Bethany's program serves the local Hamilton Elementary School Community with a Licensed Group Care Program for children from the ages 5 to 12 years old. The Centre space can accomodate up to 20 children in each of two upstairs rooms. The BASC Supervisor is a Responsible Adult, with a criminal record check, current First Aid Cerificate, and experience working withChildren. They also have the back up support from fully licensed Early Childhood Educators and additional Centre staff.
The Centre is open at 7 AM before school starts to prepare the children for their day at school. Before School starts, the Centre staff accompany the children along the short 5 minute walk to Hamilton Elementary School and then after the school day ends picks them back up. A relaxed program provides time for the children to unwind, do school home work, or enjoy crafts and games until the Centre closes at 6 PM.
During Teacher professional development days or school breaks, like spring break or Christmas, on non statutory holiday days, the BASC program provides an all day care program. The monthly rates below account for these days of full care.